
Two dollar secrets and crap cocaine

Two dollar secrets
And crap cocaine
Your voice is printed
On my brain

At the end of the night
When I’m gunning
For the fight
And the pain is
Coursing roughly
In my veins

I just want you to ache
Your bones to break
And your blood
Your blood to flow
Sweetly through
 My fingers

Two dollar secrets
And Reese’s pieces
The summer scent
And burning flesh
I’d rip out your heart
If there was any left

I ache for your suffering
The destruction of your offerings
And penance for all
Who have endured
At your insistence

For holding my head under
And choking it back
For the times that I wished for
A knife in your back

Black, with no face
A creature crafted in hate
I will lay waste
To you all
And all that is yours

Two dollar secrets
And cigarettes on
Whiskey breath
And a major jones
To break a leg,
Make you beg
And watch you suffer
To the very end

I’ll suck the marrow
From your splintered bones
And lie sweetly to whomever,
That you’ve just ducked in the shower,
When they call for you
On the phone.
I own you now.

Two dollar secrets
And crap cocaine
Reese’s pieces
And cigarettes
And whiskey breathe
I’ll make it hurt
Till that’s all that’s left
 © Saskia Kelly

Angers so much easier.....


Between last night and the 2pm train...

No thoughts. Only cigarette butts and cold sheets...

Between Last Night and the 2pm Train
Never so much death
Had I seen in one place
It clung like a shroud
Across the nights face

I search as I lay here
For some thrashing of thunder
To light up the atmosphere
And shake the sky that I’m under

Listless and cold
In the devils dreamy embrace
I used to be bold
Not suspended in space

It hurts in a way
It didn’t before
My heart keeps the beat
Down my back rake the claws

The softness clings close
Like an icy dead breeze
It lingers the most
When there’s no one but me

There’s a threat in the silence
The science
Of pain and perversion
Chaffing at the gates of my humanity

They’re gyrating in cages
Prophets singing their praises
Sweaty sex
Muscles flex

Kiss me quick
Between my legs
While children make
The soldiers beg

Today my friends
It does depend
Pledge allegiance
 This is the end.

© Saskia Kelly


Welcome to the Lunatic Cafe

Hello cyber space, and the old guy from Smith street who followed me home last week. Greetings.
If your anything like me, your not actualy reading this. Yesterday I told my mum that blogs were wank. Ahem.
You may ask what caused this sudden change of heart. Well i had an ephiphany you see. It occured somewhere between 1PM, and discovering the entire contents of my fridge consisted of Mozarella cheese, that kind of looked liked lettuce.
Anyway, being bored and impoverished, and a raging indie-fag narcisist, combined with my love of writing, and the genius of Leonard Cohen has led me to conclude that perhaps blogs aren't in fact total wank, merely publishing for the 21st century.
And perhaps i should try and be less of a snob, seeing as I sit at home on the computer, living vicariously through the exploits of Paris Hilton, or drinking beer with Amie and spying on the neighbhours with the suspicious town car across the street.
Anyway, I thought i'd share my craft for your viewing pleasure.

Welcome to the Lunatic Café
Welcome to the lunatic café
Where everyone’s got a story
And happy hour lasts all day

There’s Uncle Sam against the wall
And Stalin playing chess
 With Michael Moore

Ladies and gentlemen
Welcome to the lunatic café tonight
Come have a toke from Peter’s pipe

And gosh do we have a treat for you
The noise will outlast waterloo

The fat Controller to start our show
Joined shortly I hope
By miss Monroe

Scene two is comprised of the wizard of Oz
No special reason
Just because

Then a quick break to let your minds deflate
But don’t fret though
There’s tea and cake

Boys and girls hurry back to your seats
The shows about to resume
No more posting of tweets

As usual Mr. Bush, lagging behind
Smoking some college kids Cush
Wait no, fuck, that was mine

Anywho now, back to the program
A surprise demonstration
From dear Uncle Sam

He pulls out a missile to pick up the pace
Steps onto the stage
And promptly falls flat on his face

What a shame, never mind
The show must go on
Hey Frankie! How ‘bout a song

“Well” Frankie says
“I’m for whatever gets you through the night
So how ‘bout it boys”
As he steps into the spotlight

Excuse me, sorry, can I just pause the show
Yes ma’am I hear it
Bonapart! Haig! Is that you playing guitar hero?

Sorry lets continue
Please welcome our last act of the night

It’s Tinkerbelle, Jack Daniels, and the puppet theatre cartel
I believe they will be dancing
The tango to hell

So ladies and gentlemen
I trust you had a marvelous time
We are the lunatic café
Come back anytime

© St. K, 2010