
Two dollar secrets and crap cocaine

Two dollar secrets
And crap cocaine
Your voice is printed
On my brain

At the end of the night
When I’m gunning
For the fight
And the pain is
Coursing roughly
In my veins

I just want you to ache
Your bones to break
And your blood
Your blood to flow
Sweetly through
 My fingers

Two dollar secrets
And Reese’s pieces
The summer scent
And burning flesh
I’d rip out your heart
If there was any left

I ache for your suffering
The destruction of your offerings
And penance for all
Who have endured
At your insistence

For holding my head under
And choking it back
For the times that I wished for
A knife in your back

Black, with no face
A creature crafted in hate
I will lay waste
To you all
And all that is yours

Two dollar secrets
And cigarettes on
Whiskey breath
And a major jones
To break a leg,
Make you beg
And watch you suffer
To the very end

I’ll suck the marrow
From your splintered bones
And lie sweetly to whomever,
That you’ve just ducked in the shower,
When they call for you
On the phone.
I own you now.

Two dollar secrets
And crap cocaine
Reese’s pieces
And cigarettes
And whiskey breathe
I’ll make it hurt
Till that’s all that’s left
 © Saskia Kelly

Angers so much easier.....

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